Counselling and help
for people living with HIV
In social counselling, Hannöversche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. offers assistance and support for all matters concering German social law. Many different aspects are being addressed which are relevant to your fundamental security. During counselling, problems are being analysed and solutions discussed. Our work is guided by the folloiwng objectives:
- Creation and maintenance of support systems
- Enabling the participation in the social life and assistance with the construction of a social network
- Increasing the quality of life of clients in those areas that are affected by their infection
- Giving information and offering help enforcing your rights
- Supporting your self-reliance, self-determination and independence
Consultation on pension and for the disabled
Access to the services of health insurance, disability and pension laws in Germany is for the uninitiated often attached with difficult to understand and complex application procedures. We offer our professional expertise for application procedures, explanation of the legal situation and in review and appeal proceedings.
Consultation is carried out regularly by the public administration specialist of social insurance Andreas Neumann in our offices.
Christine Berthold
Phone: 0511 / 360 696 19

support in case of discrimination
Sebastian Bathge
Phone: 0511 / 360 696 13
and for the disabled