Free, anony­mous & confidential

HIV-risk assess­ment & HIV rapid test

... that one-night-stand wit­hout pro­tec­tion?
... that hot date where the con­dom broke?
... your new part­ner, with whom you would like to have sex wit­hout comdoms?

What’s your HIV sta­tus? When was your last test?
Nowa­days an HIV infec­tion is highly treata­ble if it is detec­ted early.
The­r­e­fore it is very important that you do an HIV test after a risky sexual acti­vity, espe­ci­ally when you have mul­ti­ple sexual partners.

HIV risk assess­ment & HIV rapid test
In a pri­vate talk, we offer an anony­mous and con­fi­den­tial risk assess­ment for HIV and other sexu­ally trans­mit­ted infec­tions. After­wards the rapid test on HIV (and Syphi­lis) can give you a relia­ble ans­wer on your HIV sta­tus in just a cou­ple of minu­tes. For the HIV rapid test we need a sin­gle drop of blood from your fin­ger. Howe­ver, this test can only give a relia­ble result 12 weeks after your last risky activity.

Every first Mon­day and 2nd and 4th Thurs­day of the month, 6pm – 8pm

If you make an appoint­ment in advance you are almost gua­ran­teed a slot:
0511/19411 or 0511/360696–0 (Mon. 10am-12am, Tue. & Wed. 10am4pm, Thu.12am-4pm)

The rapid test on HIV and Syphi­lis is free!
(Spon­so­red by the Minis­try for social affairs, work, health and equa­lity of Lower Saxony)

Han­nö­ver­sche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
Lange Laube 14 (Ent­rance Stift­straße, 2nd floor)
30159 Hannover

Metro sta­tion »Stein­tor« (Lines 4/5/6/10/11/17, Bus 100/200)

Coun­sel­ling & appointments:

Phone: +49 511 19411

Mon                                  02 pm – 05 pm
Tue    10 am – 01 pm  & 02 pm – 05 pm
Wed  10 am – 01 pm  & 02 pm – 05 pm
Thu                                   02 pm – 05 pm

Jür­gen Maaß
Tele­fon: 0511 / 360 696 16
Ärzt­li­che Leitung

Dr. Nor­bert Schlote
Luca Wolff (Arzt, stellv. Leitung)

Beauf­trag­ter für Medi­zin­pro­duk­te­si­cher­heit,
Hygiene & Arbeitsschutz
Jür­gen Maaß
Tele­fon: 0511/360 696 16