We offer in our CheckPoint:
- Risk assessment and SaferSex-counselling during our opening hours
- Regular appointments for HIV and Syphilis rapid tests
- Regular screenings for HIV, Syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) for men who have sex with men (also for trans*-people)
- Regular screenings for HIV, Syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) for people with sex-lives associated with higher risks
- HIV Self-Testing Kits (counselling, sale, and guided application)
- PrEP counselling (according to the PrEP guidelines)
- S.A.M. My Home Test (www.samhealth.de/en/)
- Multilingual counselling (German, English & Arabic)
- Theme nights on sexuallity and health
- Professional development options for counsellors
What is a CheckPoint?
The “CheckPoint” brand is currently being established by the German AIDS service organizations in many cities throughout Germany. CheckPoint stands for a regular, low-threshold, innovative range of HIV & STI counselling and testing services in accordance with the standards of Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. (German AIDS service organization). All CheckPoints are closely networked with each other and are continuously developing their services together.
Counselling & appointments:
Phone: +49 511 19411
Mon 02 pm – 05 pm
Tue 10 am – 01 pm & 02 pm – 05 pm
Wed 10 am – 01 pm & 02 pm – 05 pm
Thu 02 pm – 05 pm
Project Management
Medical Supervision
Dr. Norbert Schlote
Luca Wolff (Arzt, stellv. Leitung)
Representative for medical device safety,
Hygiene & Occupational Safety
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