Test for sexu­ally trans­mit­ted infec­tions for gay and bise­xual men* and trans* people

Fit and healthy? You pay atten­tion to your body and your health?
If you are sexu­ally active, and have sex with alter­na­ting part­ners, you should also have a regu­lar check up for sexu­ally trans­mit­ted infec­tions (STI).

We offer an anony­mous and con­fi­den­tial risk ana­ly­sis and a medi­cal exami­na­tion of rele­vant sexu­ally trans­mit­ted infec­tions for peo­ple with sexual beha­viour with ele­va­ted risks, espe­ci­ally for gay and bise­xual men* and trans*people.
The range of neces­sary tests depends on the sexual risks and will be deci­ded during coun­sel­ling.

The results are available after approx. 5–7 working days.

Our check-up includes:

  • HIV and Syphi­lis test (by labo­ra­tory blood test)
  • Test for geni­tal Chla­my­dia & Gonor­rhoae infec­tions (by geni­tal swab)
  • Check of geni­tals for warts and skin alterations

If neces­sary, other tests will be included:

  • Hepa­ti­tis A test (if you have fre­quently chan­ging sex part­ners and are not vaccinated)
  • Hepa­ti­tis B test (if you have fre­quently chan­ging sex part­ners and are not vaccinated)
  • Check of immu­nity against Hepa­ti­tis B (if the vac­ci­na­tion was more than 5 years ago & if you have fre­quently chan­ging sex partners)
  • Test for Gonor­rhoae and Chla­my­dia by mouth swab (if you have had oral sex with alter­na­ting sex part­ners in the last 6 month)
  • Test for Gonor­rhoae and Chla­my­dia by anal swab (if you have pas­sive (unpro­tec­ted) anal sex with fre­quently chan­ging sex partners)

The range of checks depends on your per­so­nal risk and sex-life.
Costs: 25,00 €

Important: An STI-Check can pro­vide you with accu­rate infor­ma­tion about your HIV & STI sta­tus only 6 weeks after a risk cont­act (8 weeks for Syphilis).

For upco­ming dates, please see the calen­dar

Due to the high volume of requests for tests, we stron­gly recom­mend making an appointment.

Gesund­heits- & Begeg­nungs­zen­trum Check­Point unten­rum, Weiße­kreuz­straße 20, 30161 Hannover, (U‑Hauptbahnhof)

Boo­king appoint­ments and coun­sel­ling: 05 11/19 411 (Mon 10 a.m. ‑12 p.m., Tues & Wed 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Thu 12 p.m. – 4p.m.)

with the kind sup­port of MSD SHARP & DOHME GmbH

Coun­sel­ling & appointments:

Phone: +49 511 19411

Mon                                  02 pm – 05 pm
Tue    10 am – 01 pm  & 02 pm – 05 pm
Wed  10 am – 01 pm  & 02 pm – 05 pm
Thu                                   02 pm – 05 pm

Pro­ject Management
Jür­gen Maaß
Tele­fon: 0511 / 360 696 16
Medi­cal Supervision

Dr. Nor­bert Schlote
Luca Wolff (Arzt, stellv. Leitung)

Repre­sen­ta­tive for medi­cal device safety, Hygiene & Occu­pa­tio­nal Safety
Jür­gen Maaß
Tele­fon: 0511/360 696 16