
JES stands for Junkies, Former, Substituted. We are in a nationwide self-help network and see ourselves as an advocacy for all people who take or have taken drugs.
JES was founded in 1989 as part of a seminar of the German AIDS Help e.V. and today includes more than 30 regional groups, clubs and initiatives with more than 300 activists.
JES calls for the fundamental right to a decent life with drugs. We want legal survival aids for active drug users. JES fights against the illegalization and social exclusion of drug-using people. We know that drug use does not necessarily lead to misery and assume that drugs, despite prohibition, will continue to be an integral part of our society. JES supports all questions about drug use through information, education and counseling. JES offers seminars and workshops on the topic of drugs and health.
We are committed to:
- Respect and acceptance of any decision to live with or without drugs.
- The initiation and support of self-help organizations
- The enforcement of prevention concepts without lifestyle requirements and moral appeals.
We demand:
- the deletion of the criminally relevant portions of the Narcotics Act, the abolition of the AUB substitution directives, the surrender of original substances to all those who choose this way, and co-decision in political decision-making bodies.
- Access to all forms of treatment and participation in shaping the treatment Immediate release of HIV-positive, AIDS-ill and drug-using people who have been detained without harming third-party property rights.
- Equal opportunities for drug users at work and employment
Christine Berthold
Telefon: 0511 / 360 696 19