

JES stands for Jun­kies, For­mer, Sub­sti­tu­ted. We are in a nati­on­wide self-help net­work and see our­sel­ves as an advo­cacy for all peo­ple who take or have taken drugs.

JES was foun­ded in 1989 as part of a semi­nar of the Ger­man AIDS Help e.V. and today includes more than 30 regio­nal groups, clubs and initia­ti­ves with more than 300 activists.

JES calls for the fun­da­men­tal right to a decent life with drugs. We want legal sur­vi­val aids for active drug users. JES fights against the ille­ga­liza­tion and social exclu­sion of drug-using peo­ple. We know that drug use does not neces­s­a­rily lead to misery and assume that drugs, despite pro­hi­bi­tion, will con­ti­nue to be an inte­gral part of our society. JES sup­ports all ques­ti­ons about drug use through infor­ma­tion, edu­ca­tion and coun­seling. JES offers semi­nars and work­shops on the topic of drugs and health.

We are com­mit­ted to:

  • Respect and accep­tance of any decis­ion to live with or wit­hout drugs.
  • The initia­tion and sup­port of self-help organizations
  • The enforce­ment of pre­ven­tion con­cepts wit­hout life­style requi­re­ments and moral appeals.

We demand:

  • the dele­tion of the cri­mi­nally rele­vant por­ti­ons of the Nar­co­tics Act, the aboli­tion of the AUB sub­sti­tu­tion direc­ti­ves, the sur­ren­der of ori­gi­nal sub­s­tances to all those who choose this way, and co-decis­ion in poli­ti­cal decis­ion-making bodies.
  • Access to all forms of tre­at­ment and par­ti­ci­pa­tion in sha­ping the tre­at­ment Imme­diate release of HIV-posi­tive, AIDS-ill and drug-using peo­ple who have been detai­ned wit­hout har­ming third-party pro­perty rights.
  • Equal oppor­tu­ni­ties for drug users at work and employment
Sozi­al­be­ra­tung, Antidiskriminierung

Chris­tine Bert­hold
Tele­fon: 0511 / 360 696 19