The Team of the Hano­ver AIDS-Hilfe e.V.

The team at Han­nö­ver­sche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. con­sists of the fol­lo­wing full-time employees and a large num­ber of vol­un­teers.
We all came to AIDS-Hilfe from a wide variety of back­grounds and it is very important to us that every cli­ent lea­ves our offices having had a good experience.

Jür­gen Maaß
Manage­ment, Check­Point
Tele­phone: 0511 / 360 696 16

Ulf Theu­er­kauf
Board of direc­tor assis­tance, admi­nis­tra­tion, event organization
Tele­phone: 0511 / 360 696 0
Anmar Tha­mer 

Pre­ven­tion for Refu­gees & Immi­grants
Tele­phone: 0511 / 360 696 15

Chris­tine Berthold

Social coun­seling, Women
Tele­phone: 0511 / 360 696 19

Sebas­tian Bathge

Empower­ment & Anti­dis­cri­mi­na­tion Pro­ject
“kraft­voll posi­tiv in Hannover”,
Pro­jekt “sex, drugs and a gay life“
Tele­phone: 0511 / 360 696 13

Ben­ja­min Roth

Event orga­ni­sa­tion Check­Point unten­rum,
Social Media
Tele­phone: 0511 / 360 696 17

Mirko Kra­kow­sky

s*ven-Team, Orga­ni­sa­tion unten­rum
Tele­phone: 0511 / 360 696 0

Chrys McK­in­ney

Infor­ma­tion & coun­sel­ling ser­vices
in the state recep­tion aut­ho­ri­ties
Tele­phone: 0511 / 360 696 0

Noah Weiß­ler-Krux

Social work intern
Tele­phone: 0511 / 360 696 18

upper row, from left to right: Beja­min Roth, Chris­tine Bert­hold, Sebas­tian Bathge

lower row, from left to right: Ulf Theu­er­kauf, Anmar Tha­mer, Jür­gen Maaß