
Assis­ted living pro­ject “Light­house”

The Light­house Hannover is a dis­ab­led-fri­endly faci­lity which is aimed at all peo­ple with HIV and AIDS regard­less of their affi­lia­tion with a par­ti­cu­lar group of affec­ted per­sons. The resi­den­tial pro­ject is desi­gned for women and men who are unable to live tem­po­r­a­rily or for a long time wit­hout help due to their psy­cic or phy­si­cal health situation.



The aims of Light­house Hannover are, on the one hand, to secure the health care in a holi­stic sense, and on the other hand to obtain and to use the sup­port which is appro­priate to the indi­vi­dual needs of the resi­dents. A fur­ther goal of the care is the psy­cho­lo­gi­cal sta­bi­liza­tion of the inha­bi­tants as well as the res­to­ra­tion of neces­sary prac­ti­cal skills to enable a lar­gely inde­pen­dent life.


We offer a place in the in our pro­ject to women and men with HIV and AIDS from dif­fe­rent groups of affec­ted per­sons, who are no lon­ger able to live on their own for dif­fe­rent reasons. Drug users are admit­ted when they are clean or undergo a sub­sti­tu­tion tre­at­ment. The first cont­act is made in wri­ting or by tele­phone. A first infor­ma­tio­nal mee­ting will take place with the sup­port team. If there is fur­ther inte­rest, a mee­ting with the resi­dents and the team fol­lows. The resi­dents have a right to speak, whe­ther the appli­cant is accepted or not. In addi­tion, the costs must be secured.


The Light­house Hannover is cen­trally loca­ted in the imme­diate vici­nity of a bus and under­ground sta­tion. The resi­dents have their own rooms, partly with pri­vate bath­room, a com­mon kit­chen and a large living area. The rooms can be fur­nis­hed with own furniture.


The care team con­sists of pedago­gi­cal spe­cia­lists and exter­nal nurses.
The care includes psy­cho­so­cial and social the­ra­peu­tic sup­port with the fol­lo­wing focus:

  • Ensu­ring the finan­cial situation
  • Secu­ring out­pa­ti­ent care in case of illness
  • Secu­ring dome­stic care
  • Pro­mo­ting health-con­scious behavior
  • Struc­tu­ral aids for the Social Environment
  • Admi­nis­tra­tion of the cli­ents inter­nal money
  • Debt regu­la­tion
  • Accom­pany­ing to offices, medi­cal faci­li­ties, etc. Insti­tu­ti­ons
  • Cri­sis interventions
  • Sup­port for men­tal pro­blems in indi­vi­dual and group discussions
  • Death sup­port
  • Inclu­sion of family and relatives
  • Orga­niza­tion of lei­sure activities

Medi­cal care & nursing

The medi­cal care and nur­sing is car­ried out in close coope­ra­tion with the immu­no­lo­gi­cal out­pa­ti­ent depart­ment of the Medi­cal Uni­ver­sity of Hannover (MHH), doc­tors spe­cia­li­zed on HIV as well as spe­cia­lists for psych­ia­try and psy­cho­the­rapy. Fur­ther­more, the medi­cal care and nur­sing pro­vi­ded by out­pa­ti­ent care ser­vices is ensured.

Light­house Hannover
Phone: 0511 / 69 75 67
Fax: 0511 / 353 18 14

Platz für gemeinsame Mahlzeiten
Kreativer Arbeitsplatz
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