Free, anonymous & confidential
HIV risk assessment & HIV rapid test
... that one-night-stand without protection?
... that hot date where the condom broke?
... your new partner, with whom you would like to have sex without comdoms?
What’s your HIV status? When was your last test?
Nowadays an HIV infection is highly treatable if it is detected early. Therefore, it is very important that you do an HIV test after a high-risk sexual activity, especially if you have multiple sexual partners.
HIV risk assessment & HIV rapid test
In a private conversation, we offer an anonymous and confidential risk assessment for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Afterwards the HIV (and Syphilis) rapid test can give you a reliable answer on your HIV status in just a couple of minutes. For the HIV rapid test we need a single drop of blood from your finger. However, this test can only give a reliable result 12 weeks after your last high-risk sexual activity.
Due to the high volume of requests for tests, we strongly recommend making an appointment.
Please see the calendar.
To make an appointment:
Call 0511–19411 (Mon. 10am-12pm, Tue. & Wed. 10am – 4pm, Thu.12pm-4pm)
Appointments can be made a maximum of four weeks in advance.
The HIV and Syphilis rapid test is free!
(Sponsored by the Ministry for Social Affairs, Work, Health and Equality of Lower Saxony)
Our Location:
CheckPoint untenrum
Weißekreuzstraße 20
30161 Hannover
Find us with Google Maps.
Counselling & appointments:
Phone: +49 511 19411
Mon 02 pm – 05 pm
Tue 10 am – 01 pm & 02 pm – 05 pm
Wed 10 am – 01 pm & 02 pm – 05 pm
Thu 02 pm – 05 pm
Project Management
Medical Supervision
Dr. Norbert Schlote
Luca Wolff (Arzt, stellv. Leitung)
Representative for medical device safety, Hygiene & Occupational Safety

© 2023 Hannöversche Aidshilfe e.V.