Test for sexually transmitted infections for all people with alternating sex partners
Fit and healthy? You pay attention to your body and your health?
If you are sexually active, and have sex with alternating partners, you should also have a regular check up for sexually transmitted infections (STI).
We offer an anonymous and confidential risk analysis and a medical examination of relevant sexually transmitted infections for people with sexual behaviour with elevated risks.
The range of necessary tests depends on the sexual risks and will be decided in the counselling.
Please note:
A test for sexually transmitted infections is only useful and necessary if you have frequently changing sexual partners (approx. 5 or more sexual partners within a six-month period).
We therefore only offer the STI check for this group of people after a detailed counselling session.
The results are available after approx. 5–7 working days.
Our check-up includes:
- HIV and Syphilis test (by laboratory blood test)
- Test for genital Chlamydia & Gonorrhoae infections (by genital swab)
- If necessary, a test for gonorrhea and chlamydia by anal swab
The range of checks depends on your personal risk behaviour.
Costs: 25,00 €
Important: An STI-Check can provide you with secure information about your HIV & STI status only 6 weeks after a risk contact (8 weeks for Syphilis).
For upcoming dates, please see the calender.
Due to the high volume of requests for tests, we strongly recommend making an appointment.
Gesundheits- & Begegnungszentrum CheckPoint untenrum, Weißekreuzstraße 20, 30161 Hannover, (U‑Hauptbahnhof)
For appointments and counselling: 05 11/19 411 (Mon 10 a.m. ‑12 p.m., Tues & Wed 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Thu 12 p.m. – 4p.m.)
with the kind support of MSD SHARP & DOHME GmbH
Counselling & appointments:
Phone: +49 511 19411
Mon 02 pm – 05 pm
Tue 10 am – 01 pm & 02 pm – 05 pm
Wed 10 am – 01 pm & 02 pm – 05 pm
Thu 02 pm – 05 pm
Project Management
Medical Supervision
Dr. Norbert Schlote
Luca Wolff (Arzt, stellv. Leitung)