Yalla sawa –
Prevention project for (LGBTIQ) refugees in Hannover and around
The project Yalla sawa (“Let’s do it together”) is a prevention project for (LGBTIQ+) refugees in Hannover and the surrounding areas.
A set of measures is used to establish acceptance of sexual and gender diversity in the refugee communities, to convey the relevant prevention messages on a peer-to-peer basis, and to advise and support refugees with HIV:
- Communicating prevention messages on a peer-to-peer basis in social media
- Workshops in refugee housing and language schools on sexual and gender diversity and protection against HIV and STI
- Test counseling in Arabic for (LGBTIQ+) refugees
- Counseling and support for refugees with HIV in Arabic
- Street work in the sex worker scene
Project coordination Yalla sawa
Anmar Thamer
Phone: 0511 / 360 696 15