Yalla sawa –
Pre­ven­tion pro­ject for (LGBTIQ) refu­gees in Hannover and around

The pro­ject Yalla sawa (“Let’s do it tog­e­ther”) is a pre­ven­tion pro­ject for (LGBTIQ+) refu­gees in Hannover and the sur­roun­ding areas.
A set of mea­su­res is used to estab­lish accep­tance of sexual and gen­der diver­sity in the refu­gee com­mu­ni­ties, to con­vey the rele­vant pre­ven­tion mes­sa­ges on a peer-to-peer basis, and to advise and sup­port refu­gees with HIV:

  1. Com­mu­ni­ca­ting pre­ven­tion mes­sa­ges on a peer-to-peer basis in social media
  2. Work­shops in refu­gee housing and lan­guage schools on sexual and gen­der diver­sity and pro­tec­tion against HIV and STI
  3. Test coun­seling in Ara­bic for (LGBTIQ+) refugees
  4. Coun­seling and sup­port for refu­gees with HIV in Arabic
  5. Street work in the sex worker scene
Pro­ject coor­di­na­tion Yalla sawa

Anmar Tha­mer
Phone: 0511 / 360 696 15