Self-test for HIV

We offer a self-test­ing kit for HIV at a pre­fe­ren­tial price of € 20 in the Hannöver­schen AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
This can be purcha­sed here and used at home, but you can also test yours­elf here in the com­pany of a con­sul­tant. The indi­vi­dual risk is cla­ri­fied with the con­sul­tant before the test. During the test we pay atten­tion to the cor­rect exe­cu­tion, but we are not allo­wed to lend a hand our­sel­ves. And of course we will con­ti­nue to help with advice and help, wha­te­ver the test result will be.

What is an HIV self-test?

An HIV self-test is an HIV test that is easy to do yours­elf, for exam­ple, at home. Some blood is remo­ved from the fin­ger­tip and pla­ced in a test device. To do this, you have to stab with a lan­cing device in the fin­ger­tip (leave). The HIV self-test indi­ca­tes the result after about a quar­ter of an hour. Like other com­mon test methods, the self-test does not detect HIV directly but anti­bo­dies to the virus. Atten­tion: The anti­bo­dies will form after some time. The­r­e­fore, the test can only rule out after 12 weeks that an infec­tion has occur­red. The result “HIV-nega­tive” is only relia­ble when the pos­si­ble trans­mis­sion is twelve weeks ago. The test can often prove an exis­ting HIV infec­tion earlier.

How safe are the self-tests?

Accor­ding to the manu­fac­tu­rer, the HIV self-test “Exacto HIV Test” offe­red by us has a sen­si­ti­vity of more than 99% and is recom­men­ded by Deut­sche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.. The appli­ca­tion is very simple, you only need one drop of blood.

How much does the self-test cost?

The self test costs 20€ (35€ for cou­ples)
The optio­nal coun­sel­ling and accom­pa­nied appli­ca­tion is free.

Coun­sel­ling & appointments:

Phone: +49 511 19411

Mon                                  02 pm – 05 pm
Tue    10 am – 01 pm  & 02 pm – 05 pm
Wed  10 am – 01 pm  & 02 pm – 05 pm
Thu                                   02 pm – 05 pm

Jür­gen Maaß
Tele­fon: 0511 / 360 696 16
Ärzt­li­che Leitung

Dr. Nor­bert Schlote
Luca Wolff (Arzt, stellv. Leitung)

Beauf­trag­ter für Medi­zin­pro­duk­te­si­cher­heit,
Hygiene & Arbeitsschutz
Jür­gen Maaß
Tele­fon: 0511/360 696 16