Self-test for HIV
We offer a self-testing kit for HIV at a preferential price of €20 available for purchase at Checkpoint untenrum (see address below.) The tests can be purchased here and used at home, or you can test yourself here in the company of a counsellor. The individual risk is clarified with the counsellor before the test. If you decide to do the test here with one of our counsellors, during the test we make sure you are using the test correctly, but we are not allowed to lend a hand ourselves. And of course after the test, we will continue to support you with advice and help, whatever the test result may be.
What is an HIV self-test?
An HIV self-test is an HIV test that is easy to do yourself, for example, at home. Some blood is removed from the fingertip and placed in a test device. To do this, you prick the tip of your finger with a lancing device. The HIV self-test indicates the result after about a quarter of an hour. Like other common test methods, the self-test does not detect HIV directly but rather antibodies against the virus. Important: The antibodies build up over time. Therefore, the test can only rule out that an infection has occurred after 12 weeks, so the result of “HIV-negative” is only reliable when the possible transmission is twelve weeks prior to the test being done. The test can often prove an existing HIV infection earlier.
How accurate are the self-tests?
According to the manufacturer, the HIV self-test “Exacto HIV Test” we offer has a sensitivity of more than 99% and is recommended by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.. The application is very simple; you only need one drop of blood.
How much does the self-test cost?
The self test costs 20€ (35€ for couples)
The optional counselling and guided application is free.

Counselling & appointments:
Phone: +49 511 19411
Mon 02 pm – 05 pm
Tue 10 am – 01 pm & 02 pm – 05 pm
Wed 10 am – 01 pm & 02 pm – 05 pm
Thu 02 pm – 05 pm
Project Management
Medical Supervision
Dr. Norbert Schlote
Luca Wolff (Arzt, stellv. Leitung)