Hannöversche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.!
As a social organization, the Hannöversche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. is dependent on your help. No matter if you choose to help us on a voluntary basis, or by applying for an internship, or if you’d rather support us with a donation by becoming a member – your support is invaluable!
So, get involved!
Our account for donations:
IBAN: DE62 2505 0000 0000 7778 88
Nord LB
Account holder: Hannöversche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
Die Hannöversche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. ist als gemeinnützig und besonders förderungswürdig anerkannt vom Finanzamt Hannover Nord (25/206/30617).
Donation receipts:
Donations to Hannöversche Aidshilfe e.V. are tax-deductible. Should you need a donation receipt, please let us know by sending us your full name or company name and your exact address. Unfortunately, we will not receive the necessary information through our bank.
Volunteer Work
Are you interested in a meaningful activity in your spare time?
The help of volunteers is a significant factor in the work accomplished by the Hannöversche AIDS-Hilfe. Our highly-motivated volunteers often become involved with fixed teams with clearly defined activities, for example:
- target-group-specific prevention (e.g. of men who have sex with men) both within the general population and at schools
- support of people living with HIV & AIDS
All our volunteer teams meet regularly to reflect on past events and to plan upcoming ones. The groups are assisted by our pedagogically skilled employees.
What we offer you:
- meaningful and responsible voluntary work in motivated teams
- regular pedagogical guidance and exchange of experience within the team
- work-related training and further education
- if desired, we would be happy to issue a certificate of voluntary work
What we expect from you:
- regular, reliable participation in our team meetings
- willingness to partake in our activities at late hours and night time, especially at weekends
- reflected and unprejudiced interaction with different life styles, particularly with regards to sexual diversity, drug use and immigrants
- anxiety-free interaction with people living with HIV & AIDS
- reflection of one’s own and other’s sexuality
Hannöversche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. offers the possibility to do an internship, e.g.:
- internship as part of your studies in the fields of pedagogy, social work, psychology, or similar
- Internships for the occupational reintegration, among others
Length: At least 4 weeks, at a maximum of 3 months
Compensation for the internship is not possible, therefore we do not hire “Anerkennungspraktikant*innen”.
The content of the internship includes but is not limited to:
- Supporting full-time employees in the preparation and implementation of target group-specific prevention campaigns
- public relations work and group and leisure activities for people with HIV & AIDS
- Observation of individual counseling sessions as well as telephone and test counseling
We offer:
- Collaboration in a small, motivated team
- Qualified certificate of internship
We require:
- Minimum 18 years of age
- Willingness to work evenings and weekends
- Interactions with people with HIV & AIDS without prejudice or fear
If you are interested, please send us a digital application with a picture, CV and cover letter.
Support our work as a member of the Hannöversche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.!
The membership fee for an ordinary membership is 60€ per year (reduced 30€).
As a supporting member, you can set your own monthly membership fee.
All membership fees are tax deductible.

Ulf Theuerkauf
Telefon: 0511 / 360 696 0
Jürgen Maaß
Telefon: 0511 / 360 696 16